Fixture Details 
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Division: Division 2
Home Team: Falmouth 3
Away Team: Penzance 1
Date:05 Feb 2025
Time:07:00 pm
Verified:07 Feb 2025 by

NomHome PlayerNomAway PlayerResultGames
3-2Tom Jay1-1Jack Eadie035/15 3/15 10/15
3-3Christian Thomas1-2Nigel Bell0310/15 11/15 6/15
3-4David Crossley1-4Neythan Hayes0316/18 11/15 7/15
5-3Ben Webb2-9Jack Paull3015/11 15/5 15/4


Away Report
Away Report:'Pirates pulled in young Jack Paul making his debut for the first team.. Keen and quick in the first and competed well and just lost out.. |Young ben found his length and took control of affairs with a good win.. Jack one for the future for sure.. Neythan after a slow start gained his control and managed to take the first 2 tight games and ran out a comfortable winner.. Nigel at 2 soon found his rhythm and length on the court to keep Christian behind him. A good win for Nigel.. Jack at one seemed to be in full control and seemed to be moving around the court effortlessly and Tom had no answers.. Tom was forced into making unforced errors and Jack had one of his easiest wins to date.. Thanks Falmouth 3 for your hospitality in the Bar afterwards.. '

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